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Hypnosis Berlin

Finding inner peace with hypnosis

Image: Finding inner peace with hypnosis

Achieve inner peace though hypnosis

Do you also want more peace of mind and inner peace? Many of our clients come to us with the aim of feeling more balanced and calm. They want to learn to accept the things they cannot change and come to terms with their lives. At Hypnosis Berlin, we would like to show you how you can find inner peace in your life through our modern form of hypnotherapy - perhaps even for the first time. We know from many years of experience that every person is different and that inner peace has a very personal meaning for each individual. Nevertheless, there are universal parallels that apply to all people. The philosopher Seneca summarised the most important ones in one simple sentence:

The highest good is the harmony of the soul with itself.

When it comes to harmony and balance, the path to this is often not easy to find. But Hypnosis Berlin shows you a sustainable and profound way.

What disturbs inner peace

What exactly disturbs our inner peace? Is it the emotions, needs and desires that are not being fulfilled? Or is it the experiences, rejections or defeats that we cannot accept? Every time we evaluate our world and categorise it as "good" or "bad" or think "it shouldn't be like this", this creates an element of dissatisfaction and inner struggle that affects our inner experience.

It may seem normal for people to reject certain things and welcome others. But this division often causes great suffering and inner strife. Hypnosis can show you a different way of dealing with life. A way that doesn't mean you won't care about anything. Quite the opposite. The aim is to achieve an inner attitude in which you can deal more easily with the things in life, in which you may even come to accept them.

Come to terms with yourself with hypnosis

Hypnosis helps you to find yourself. People learn to understand emotions better and to harmonise themselves between different emotional poles. Many people know the dilemma that when we have reached a pleasant state, i.e. when we have what we want or avoid what we don't want, we want to hold on to this state or are afraid of losing this desired state again. The process of categorisation into "good" or "bad" is constantly taking place in our unconscious, but which of these is right or wrong?

Techniques and approaches of hypnotherapy at hypnosis Berlin

During hypnosis in our practice, we use a variety of techniques that are specifically designed to guide you through a deep trance in your subconscious. They are all aimed at overcoming old habits and beliefs that lead to inner conflict. By developing customised approaches for each client, we ensure that your specific needs and goals are effectively addressed.

From inner to outer peace

Achieving inner peace is not just an end in itself - quite the opposite. Your inner peace carries on, affecting your family, neighbours, colleagues and spilling over from them to their neighbours. The first step begins with each of us. Spend your life in peace and harmony and make the world a little better. It is our personal concern to support you in this endeavour.

Self-test - Am I hypnotizable?

Test yourself!

Find out how well you can be hypnotized and take the self-test on your own hypnotizability (suggestibility) and answer 14 questions shortly.
Self-Test - Am I hypnotizable?
Bin ich hypnotisierbar?
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