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What is hypnosis?

What is hypnosis?

Hypnosis definition - hypnosis is a sleep-like state

The term hypnosis comes from the Greek word "hypnos", which means "sleep". Here already begin the first misunderstandings in the field of hypnosis. Because it is by no means sleep, at most a sleep-like state. Hypnosis is a kind of intermediate state - between being awake and sleep: hypnosis is much more related to the state between waking and sleeping with the meditative trance.

The main characteristics of hypnosis

The most important characteristics of hypnosis are deep relaxation, clear perception unclouded by emotions and the resulting freedom from anxiety and simultaneous concentration. This, by the way, is a very "natural" state, into which we repeatedly enter by ourselves in everyday life - without noticing it as such a state. The state of trance has been given to all of us, in the truest sense of the word. With guidance, we can use this state natural trance state and achieve changes or overcome fears and blockages.

Hypnosis - trance is a natural state

Whenever our attention is focused entirely on one point, our state of consciousness is similar to that of hypnosis. We also have this capacity for "self-forgetfulness" that we can observe in children at play and that leads to great achievements in artists and athletes. It is a kind of daydreaming that allows us to be in one place and at the same time dream away to another place, reminisce about the past or think up entirely new things. Guided hypnosis brings us back to this primal ability. It opens the way to inner, absolute relaxation with simultaneous concentration and thus brings us into contact with our subconscious and sets processes in motion. In doing so, we remain focused and in control of our desires and actions - we achieve more focus and clarity and can decide for ourselves in every moment of the trance what we want to say or what we don't want to say.

The effect of hypnosis is proven

The effect of hypnosis is by no means "only" subjectively felt, but has long been proven by a wide variety of methods. For example, hypnosis can be based on a EEG (Electroencephalogram) to be observed. Hypnosis has also been successfully used in pain therapy for centuries. Thus, chronic pain was and is treated with hypnosis and even operations under hypnosis are performed without pain. All of this led to hypnosis being recognized as a scientific treatment method in psychotherapy in the Federal Republic of Germany since March 2006. Find out more about how hypnosis works here: How Does Hypnosis Work?

Self-test - Am I hypnotizable?

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Self-Test - Am I hypnotizable?
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